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Create a Model Card

There are two ways to create a model card:

  1. Using a pre-built model.
  2. Using a model config YAML file.

Create a Model Card Using a Pre-built Model

Currently, we support the following pre-built models:

Hugging Face models

To use a pre-built model from Hugging Face, you can use the following command:

fedml model create --name $model_name --model $model_name

$model_name is a arbitrary name for your model card.
$model_name is the name of the pre-built model from Hugging Face. Start with hf:. For example, to use the EleutherAI/pythia-70m model from Hugging Face, you can use the following command:

fedml model create --name hf_model --model hf:EleutherAI/pythia-70m

Create a Model Card Using a Model Config YAML File

The complete code following section's can be found at

The folder architecture is:

├── config.yaml
└── src
├── app
│ ├──
│ └── pipe
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── config
│ └──
  • config.yaml contains the model card configuration.
  • src/config/ contains the dependencies installation script.
  • src/ is the entry point of the model.
  • src/app contains the related transformer pipeline code. Used in

Create a Model Card Configuration

config.yaml is the file for creating model cards. See Model Configuration YAML Chapter for more. A minimum example is like:

workspace: "./src"
entry_point: ""
bootstrap: config/

workspace is the path to the folder containing all the source code for model inference.
entry_point is the path to the entry point file of the model.
bootstrap is the path to the script for installing dependencies.

More configurable options in the config yaml file can be found at YAML Configuration .

Create a Bootstrap Script is the shell script for installing dependencies.

pip install langchain
pip install transformers
pip install accelerate
pip install "pydantic>=1.8.0,<2.0.0"

Define the Model Entry Point is the endpoint entry file.

Inherit the FedMLPredictor

Inside, you need to Inherit FedMLPredictor as the base class as your model serving object. Inside this class, you need to implement two methods: __init__ and predict.

  • In the __init__ method, you need to initialize the model. E.g. load the model checkpoint, init the transformer pipeline, etc.

  • In the predict method, you need to define how your model will respond to the requests.

    from fedml.serving import FedMLPredictor

    class MyChatbot(FedMLPredictor):
    def __init__(self):
    from langchain import LLMChain
    self.chatbot = LLMChain()

    def predict(self, request: dict) -> dict:
    response_text = self.chatbot.predict(request)
    return {"generated_text": str(response_text)}

Pass the predictor obj to FedMLInferenceRunner

In the __main__ function, initialize a FedMLPredictor's child obj that has class you define in the previous step, then pass it to FedMLInferenceRunner class, finally call its run method.

from fedml.serving import FedMLInferenceRunner

if __name__ == "__main__":
chatbot = MyChatbot()
fedml_inference_runner = FedMLInferenceRunner(chatbot)

For input type, we currently only support JSON. For return type, aside from JSON like obj. FedML predictor also support returning stream, file response. See more at Advanced_Features

Create a Local Model Card

Create a local model card by indicating the model card configuration file, support you are in the same folder as config.yaml. This level folder architecture is:

├── config.yaml
└── src
├── ...

Use fedml model create command to create a local model card. Using -n to specify the model name, -cf to specify the model card configuration file.

fedml model create -n my_model -cf config.yaml