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Deploy to On-Premise

If you have your own on-premise servers, you can deploy the model cards to your own servers.

Bind your devices to TensorOpera AI Platform

Bind your device to TensorOpera AI Platform.

fedml device bind $api_key

Check your device id from the output of the command line. Here the 31240 is the master device id, 31239 is the worker device id.

Congratulations, your device is connected to the TensorOpera MLOps platform successfully!
Your TensorOpera Edge ID is 32314, unique device ID is 0xxxxxxxx@MacOS.Edge.Device,
master deploy ID is 31240, worker deploy ID is 31239

For single machine deploy, use one master id and one worker id.

fedml model deploy -n my_model -m 31240 -w 31239

After execute the command. You can then check the status of the deployment on TensorOpera AI Platform. EndpointDeployed.jpg

The System Performance (QPS, Latency, etc.) can be monitored on TensorOpera AI Platform. SystemPerformance.jpg