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Cross-cloud Training

TensorOpera® UnitedLLM is an MLOps-supported training pipeline for decentralized pretraining and finetuning of large language models.

Getting Started

Clone the repo then go to UnitedLLM directory:

# clone the repo and the submodules
git clone -b unitedllm

# go to the project directory
cd python/spotlight_prj/unitedllm

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Update the repo
git pull

# Download the example datasets.
bash scripts/

Conventional/Centralized Training

See LLM Train examples for details.

Decentralized Cross-cloud Training with FedML

1. Install FedML

Install FedML with the following command

pip install fedml

2. Prepare a Configuration File

To train/fine-tune in decentralized setting, you need to provide a FedML config file. A concrete example can be found in fedml_config/fedml_config.yaml.

training_type: 'cross_cloud' # decentralized training type, we recommend `cross_cloud` for LLMs
scenario: 'horizontal' # decentralized training scenario, we recommend `horizontal` for LLMs
use_customized_hierarchical: True # if `True`, will use customized hierarchical cross-cloud; this could improve the training stability
random_seed: 0

bootstrap: fedml_config/ # change to "config/" when using MLOps
launcher: 'auto' # program launcher, choose from `auto`, `torch`, `deepspeed`

dataset: 'databricks-dolly' # dataset name; this setting is required for FedML built-in datasets
dataset_name: 'fedml/databricks-dolly-15k-niid'
dataset_path: []
client_dataset_path: []
test_dataset_size: 200 # this is ignored when `dataset_path` has more than 1 element
remove_long_seq: True # if `True` remove all data whose sequence length > max_seq_length
truncate_long_seq: True # if `True` truncate long sequences whose length > max_seq_length

skip_log_model_net: True # toggle auto model input shape inference; if set to `False`, could slow down the training
model_name_or_path: 'EleutherAI/pythia-70m' # choose any decoder-only hugging face model
# need to install `flash_attn` package first, see for detail
use_flash_attention: False
load_pretrained: False # Whether to load pretrained weights
# PEFT configs
peft_type: 'lora'

federated_optimizer: 'FedAvg'
client_optimizer: 'adamw_torch'
server_optimizer: 'FedAvg'
client_num_in_total: 2 # number of clients
client_num_per_round: 2 # choose from 1~client_num_in_total
comm_round: 5 # number of rounds of aggregation
# below are the same as HuggingFace settings
deepspeed: 'configs/deepspeed/ds_z3_bf16_config.json'
ddp_find_unused_parameters: False
seed: 1234
fp16: False
bf16: False
gradient_checkpointing: True
per_device_train_batch_size: 8
per_device_eval_batch_size: 8
gradient_accumulation_steps: 1
eval_accumulation_steps: 4
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
warmup_steps: 50
output_dir: '.logs/UnitedLLM/{run_id}'
logging_steps: 20
eval_steps: 200
save_steps: 200
save_total_limit: 10
logging_strategy: 'no'
evaluation_strategy: 'no' # should be turned off
save_strategy: 'no'
save_on_each_node: True
# extra options
# model weights type.
model_dtype: 'fp32' # choose from "bf16" | "fp16" | "fp32"
# number of training epoch for each communication round, total epoch is local_num_train_epochs * comm_round
local_num_train_epochs: 1
# number of training steps for each communication round, total step is local_max_steps * comm_round;
# this option overwrites `local_num_train_epochs`; set to a non-positive value to disable it.
local_max_steps: 200

frequency_of_the_test: 1
test_on_clients: 'after_aggregation' # choose from "before_aggregation" | "after_aggregation" | "no" | "both"
is_aggregator_test: False # set to `True` to enable testing on aggregator after each aggregation
test_on_client_ranks: [1] # the rank of the clients to run test
# Number of updates steps before two checkpoint saves. Set to 0 to disable saving. Set to a negative number or
# null to save after every test (i.e. same as `frequency_of_the_test`).
save_frequency: null

using_gpu: True

backend: 'MQTT_S3'
is_mobile: 0

enable_wandb: False
wandb_only_server: True

3. Run FedML

To launch an experiment, a RUN_ID should be provided. For each experiment, the same RUN_ID should be used across all the client(s) and aggregator server. For clients, client_rank is also required. Each client should have a unique client_rank and the value should be in range from 1 to N where N is the number of clients. client_rank is the distributed rank which is similar to an index in an array; each client can be "indexed" by its rank.

Note since we use RUN_ID to uniquely identify experiments, we recommend that you carefully choose the RUN_ID. You may also generate a UUID for your RUN_ID with built-in Python module uuid; e.g. use RUN_ID="$(python3 -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4().hex)")" in your shell script.

Example scripts:

# run aggregator server
bash scripts/ "$RUN_ID"

# run client(s)
bash scripts/ 1 "$RUN_ID"
bash scripts/ 2 "$RUN_ID"
bash scripts/ 3 "$RUN_ID"

See TensorOpera® FedML's Getting Started for details.

Use TensorOpera AI for Scalable Experiments

Please refer to