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Model Deployment - fedml model


FedML Model CLI Overview

Usage: fedml model [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-h, --help Show this message and exit.

create Create a model card in local environment.
push Push a model card (local or S3) to remote.
deploy Deploy model to the local | on-premise | GPU Cloud.
run Request a model inference endpoint.
pull Pull a model card from TensorOpera AI Platform to local.
list List model card(s) at local environment or TensorOpera AI Platform.
delete Delete a local or remote model card.

fedml model create [OPTIONS]

Create a model card in local environment.


--name or -nModel Card name. [required]
--model or -mNoneIndicate a pre-built model from Hugging Face or GitHub
--model_config or -cfNoneYaml file path that will be used to create a new model card.
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


Create a model card using a pre-built model.
fedml model create -n my_model -m hf:EleutherAI/pythia-70m
Create a model card using a model config yaml file.
fedml model create -n my_model -cf my_model_config.yaml

fedml model deploy [OPTIONS]

Deploy model to the Local | On-premise | GPU Cloud.


--name or -nModel Card name. [required]
--local or -lDeploy model locally. [is-flag]
--master_ids or -mNoneDevice Id(s) for on-premise master node(s).
--worker_ids or -wNoneDevice Id(s) for on-premise worker node(s).
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.
--use_remote or -rFalseUse a remote model card. [is-flag]
If not specify, fedml will first push your local model card to remote, then deploy it.
--delete or -d""Indicate an Endpoint ID to be deleted.


Deploy a model in local environment.
fedml model deploy -n my_model --local
Deploy a model card to GPU Cloud.
fedml model deploy -n my_model
Deploy a model card to on-premise device.

login your device to TensorOpera AI Platform.

fedml login $api_key

Check your device id for master role and worker role.

Welcome to!
Start to login the current device to the TensorOpera AI Platform

Congratulations, your device is connected to the TensorOpera AI platform successfully!
Your FedML Edge ID is xxx, unique device ID is xxx, master deploy ID is 31240, worker deploy ID is 31239

From above, we can know that the master ID is 31240, worker deploy ID is 31239

For single machine deploy, mention 31240 for master and 31239 for worker.

fedml model deploy -n my_model -m 31240 -w 31239
Delete an endpoint using endpoint id

To Delete an endpoint, you can use fedml model deploy -d $endpoint_id.

fedml model deploy -d 1215
Are you sure to delete the model endpoint: 1215 [y/N]: y

Model endpoint 1215 deleted successfully.

fedml model run [OPTIONS] JSON_STRING

Request the endpoint using a JSON string.


--endpoint or -eEndpoint ID. [required]
JSON_STRINGJson string used to request the model endpoint. [required]
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


Query a LLM Model from TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model run -e 1215 '{"text": "What is a good cure for hiccups?"}'


Result: {"generated_text": {"generated_text": "Solved by add ..."}}

fedml model push [OPTIONS]

Push a model card (local or S3) to remote.


--name or -nModel Card name. [required]
--model_storage_url or -sNoneA S3 address to the model card zip file.
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


Push a local model card to TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model push -n my_model

fedml model pull [OPTIONS]

Pull a model card from TensorOpera AI Platform to local.


--name or -nModel Card name. [required]
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


Pull a local model card from TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model pull -n my_model

fedml model list [OPTIONS]

List model card(s) at local environment or TensorOpera AI Platform.


--name or -n"*"Model Card name(s).
--local or -lList Local Model. [isflag]
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


List all model cards from TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model list
List all local model cards.
fedml model list -l
List two model cards at TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model list -n my_model, my_model2

fedml model delete [OPTIONS]

Delete a local or remote model card.


--name or -nModel Card name. [required]
--local or -lDelete a Local Model. [isflag]
--version or -vreleaseThe backend environment of TensorOpera AI Cloud.


Delete a model card from TensorOpera AI Platform.
fedml model delete -n my_model
Delete a local model card.
fedml model delete -n my_model -l